Desktop clean, replacements & rebuild
April 3, 2016So around 2 months ago, I was playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive when my computer suddenly died followed by the smell of strange burning. At first I thought I had a power cut followed by the realisation that everything else was still on… I then realised my power supply had blown up and with the anxiety of the possibility of a fried motherboard, I turned everything off. I used my Macbook for the next few weeks and I was finally able to order a new power supply.
Opted with a trusty Corsair PSU (used them before, just not in this build, which is now 6 years old!)
Despite having dust filters and typically being very good at keeping it clean, my desktop was rather caked in dust…. so first it was a complete clean. (all these cables were after disconnected them, the cable management was MUCH better than this!)
Taking out the old power supply was a bit of a pain. Loads of adaptors and re-routed cables for cable management. You can’t see in these images but the cable management was pretty good. I had spent an entire day maticulously routing cables and strapping them down.
I then saw the front fans and realised they were a tad dusty…
Out with the old, in with the new. You can also see how large my GPU is, it only just fits in this case and has to partially sit in the HDD bays, so my choice of which PCI slot it sits in, is rather limited.
Clean and new PSU fitted. Great to have it cleaned and up and working again! This is my machine for video editing, so it’s good to have it back! I decided not to both with great cable management until I get a new case in the future…. maybe.