Behind the camera

  1. The Hardest Photography?!

    February 26, 2018
    So what is it?! 1:1 macro of jumping spiders? Controlling crowds at weddings? Astro?! Portraits Nope! They all have their own difficulties and challenges to overcome, but sports photography takes the cake when it comes to difficulty. Learning to track birds in flight with a long telephoto lens is one…

  2. Lumiere London 2018

    January 20, 2018

  3. Chesham vs Thame

    June 22, 2017

  4. #CanonSummerMeet 2017

    June 22, 2017
    All images shot on a Canon 6D with a 500mm F4 IS II (some with a 1.4x III & 2X III tele) and a 50mm 1.8

  5. Saal Digital Wall Decor Review

    March 3, 2017
    A few weeks ago Saal Digital hooked me up with a £50 voucher to get a piece of wall decor. This was a very exciting opportunity as I have been looking to find somewhere to get prints done with various finishes for myself and also future customers. First off I…

  6. THECITYISOURS - The Garage, London, Wildfire EP Launch

    July 22, 2016
    THECITYISOURS EP Launch show at the The Garage, London. Support from River Becomes Ocean.  Please don’t use any images without prior consent.

  7. Fort Hope & THECITYISOURS - The Horn St Albans 23.05.16

    May 23, 2016
    Fort Hope at The Horn St Albans with support from THECITYISOURS Please contact me for image use. All Rights Reserved. 

  8. DJEZ O2 Academy Brixton / 09.04.16

    April 10, 2016
    DJ EZs sold out O2 Academy Brixton show - Saturday 9th April 2016 All images copyright Ben Brotherton, do not use without written permission. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of the images, please contact me first for licensing.

  9. Urban Exploration

    April 7, 2016
    I went down south to shoot a new feature for a local band. It was a trek and a long day, but I got to see one of the best sites I’ve ever been to, an old M.O.D training base, which has a rather eerie feel in some places.  People…

  10. Desktop clean, replacements & rebuild

    April 3, 2016
    So around 2 months ago, I was playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive when my computer suddenly died followed by the smell of strange burning. At first I thought I had a power cut followed by the realisation that everything else was still on… I then realised my power supply had…

  11. London Sky Garden

    March 18, 2016
    Visited the Sky Garden in London on Friday 18th March, it was rather overcast to say the least. Always seems to be the case when I visit skyscrapers. Rather annoying after a beautiful week of sunshine and clear blue skies It’s a pretty good place, although not as large as…

  12. Canon 8-15mm F/4L USM Fisheye Review with sample images

    February 23, 2016
    Full frame fisheye lenses have always typically been primes.. then Canon came along with this beast and shook the market up. Coming in at £899 it’s not cheap by any means, especially for such a specialist lens. However, you get both 8 and 15mm in a single lens with the…

  13. THECITYISOURS UK Tour - Behind the scenes & Extras

    February 23, 2016

  14. My most used lens as a working photographer

    September 17, 2015
    Over the years I’ve built my kit up. Every lens purchase has been a very carefully thought out one, will it improve my ease of work? Give me something I don’t already have?Without a doubt my two favourite lenses are the 50mm 1.8 and the 100mm L macro. Both are…

  15. SIGMA 8mm F3.5 EX DG Circular Fisheye REVIEW (with sample images)

    July 7, 2015
    Over the years I’ve had the joy of using various lenses, but never a fisheye lens. I’m a sucker for the wide angles and short telephoto primes (aside from the gorgeous 400 2.8L… if only!) Circular fish eye lenses are great fun but a VERY specialised type of lens, which…

  16. The best flash modifier under £15

    July 5, 2015
    The best flash modifier just happens to be one of the most used, cheapest and smallest to take around The almighty Sto-Fen omni-bounce diffuser. I use this so much for my photos, especially at music events. You can pick up imitations of this little gadget for less money, I’ve used…

  17. 9 truths & tips about being an events photographer

    June 9, 2015
    Unfortunately a lot of people will judge your skill by the camera you use. I shot on an “entry level” DSLR for years and got some of my best shots. Don’t get caught up in adding a battery grip, flash and lens hoods to make your camera seem more “pro.”…

  18. The joys of LEGO

    April 19, 2015
    I can’t even imagine how many times as a kid I stood on Lego and cried, so why on earth did many years later think it was a good idea to get back into it…?!… well truth be told it was totally worth it. The joy of buying a fresh…

  19. The beast is back

    October 26, 2014
    It’s back, after 33 days!

  20. Studio shots on a budget!

    October 5, 2014
    **DISCLAIMER** I’m a huge fan of doing things DIY and on the cheap and love getting good results from something I’ve made and feeling like I’ve created something and not bought an add-on or modifier to make life easier. I’m also a huge believer and avid preacher of it’s not…

  21. Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM Review w/ Sample Images

    October 2, 2014
    Over the years Canon has produced some pretty fantastic prime lenses, no one can deny that. From the very affordable 50mm f/1.8 II to the much less affordable 85mm f/1.2 L, granted that is a fantastic piece of glass. I’m going to be looking at the much more affordable 85mm…

  22. Window to the World

    September 29, 2014
    September 29th, 21 years ago I was born Pretty amazing huh? well not as amazing as the day I had today. It was so amazing to spend the day with my Mum and had an awesome surprise of going up The Shard in London with her. I have a big…

  23. My light capturing device is away

    September 28, 2014
    So maybe two weeks ago, or so, I had to take my trusty camera back to my retailer to send off to Canon due to getting the infamous Err-01 message. This happened on two shoots, one being a wedding, so instead of putting up with the hugely unpredictable & annoying…

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